Some hadoop commands
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hadoop系统可继承一定的Linux系统命令, 以命令 ls
为例, 在hadoop系统中则需使用 hadoop dfs -ls
特别的, hadoop有一对专门用于上传下载的命令, hadoop dfs -put
和 hadoop dfs -get
创建一个 speech.txt
文件, 其内容为
There is no mountain we cannot climb
There is no summit we cannot reach
There is no challenge we cannot meet
There is no victory we cannot have
We will not bend
We will not break
We will not yield
We will never give in
We will never give up
And we will never ever back down
我将其放在了hadoop目录下 ~/hadoop/speech.txt
将其传到hadoop系统的根目录下 /
hdfs dfs -put speech.txt /
使用hadoop官方示例 hadoop-mapreduce-examples-*.*.*.jar
统计 speech.txt
hadoop jar ~/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.2.4.jar wordcount /speech.txt /speechCount
hdfs dfs -cat /speechCount/part-r-00000
我这里使用了docker的端口映射, 将9870端口映射到了我的windows宿主机上的19870端口.